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Subject: Re: [boost] [system][filesystem v3] Question abouterror_code arguments
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-27 13:02:54
Peter Foelsche wrote:
> "Stewart, Robert" <Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden]> wrote in message
> > Others noted embedded environments -- very important today
> I was talking about C++.
> C++ includes exception handling.
> C++ without exception handling does not make any sense,
> as one cannot perform a fallible resource allocation inside a
> constructor.
I'm sure all of those using embedded C++ will be glad to know they were deluded all this time.
C++ is a broad language. You get to choose which features you use. If you don't use the standard containers, for example, you won't get any exceptions from them. If you use only the non-throwing form of new, you won't get exceptions from failed memory allocations. If you write all of your code, including your constructors, such that they never throw exceptions, you won't get exceptions. Guess what? That's still C++, however restricted it may be.
"Don't pay for what you don't use" is the guiding principle for the language.
Boost is about libraries useful to a broad array of people using C++, not just those willing to use the entire array of features.
Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer, Core Software using std::disclaimer;
Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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