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Subject: Re: [boost] Parallel Tree Merge
From: Nick Edmonds (ngedmond_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-02 14:43:38

On Oct 30, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Biddiscombe, John A. wrote:

> If I have a representation of a tree and I have sub-portions of it
> spread across a number of processes (but the whole tree represents a
> well-formed and simple tree structure). Is there a reasonably
> straightforward way of doing this using BGL or PBGL. I had hoped
> that it might be as simple as defining some templated tree structure
> and using the add operator after gathering pieces onto one node.
> (The tree structure could be represented as XML where the root would
> exist on all processes, different sub-nodes and leaves and would
> occur on different processes - a simple xml merge would probably
> suffice for my needs right now).
> If examples using boost libraries ((p)BGL/MPI) or other similar
> combination exist and anyone can point me to resources I'd be most
> grateful. (I'm not an expert with BGL so will need some do some
> learning...)
> Thanks
> JB

I'm unclear exactly what your merge operation/algorithm is (possibly
because I never use XML which probably provides adequate context for
other people). The p(BGL) graph classes should work fine for
representing your tree. If you describe your algorithmic needs in
more detail I can suggest whether PBGL or BGL with a bit of MPI for
the data movement is more appropriate. I presume the total structure
is small enough to represent on a single node since you seem to be
doing an all_gather?


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