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Subject: Re: [boost] Shouldn't both logging proposals be reviewed in the same formal review?
From: Thomas Klimpel (Thomas.Klimpel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-11-20 04:49:25
Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
> It was not me suggesting the review manager should ignore
> the vote of a competing author.
You are right. Your question temped me to answer, but what I wanted to say was more related to the discussion in the thread itself than your concrete question.
Hartmut Kaiser wrote:
> > But I agree that the review results should state the number of YES and
> > NO votes,
> Nobody expressed doubts wrt to this. What are you trying to say?
I'm trying to say that there are votes during the review process, and that they do have their function (among others they will be counted and stated in the review results), but the review process is something different than a public voting. To review a library means first of all to look at the library, its documentation, its code, its use cases, and to try to somehow write down what one has found during this process. Another function of the vote in this process is to encourage the reviewer to clearly take position with respect to the library he has reviewed.
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