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Subject: [boost] [Boost.Locale] New Release
From: Artyom (artyomtnk_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-03-11 17:47:52

Hello Boost List!

I'm glad to introduce updated version of Boost.Locale library:
This library was designed for Boost and created because of needs CppCMS

I'm looking forward to formal review and general inputs from




Boost.Locale is a library that brings high quality localization facilities
in C++ way. It provides the natural glue between C++ locales framework,
iostreams and powerful ICU library giving:

    * Correct case conversion, case folding and normalization
    * Collation including support of 4 Unicode collation levels.
    * Date, time, timezone and calendar manipulations, formatting and
      parsing including transparent support of calendars other then
    * Boundary analysis for characters, words, sentences and line-breaks.
    * Number formatting, spelling and parsing.
    * Monetary formatting and parsing.
    * Powerful message formatting including support plural forms, using
      GNU catalogs.
    * Character set conversion.
    * Transparent support of 8-bit character sets like Latin1.
    * Support of char, wchar_t and C++0x char16_t, char32_t strings and

New in this version:

  a. Fully redesigned break iterator interface
  b. Added date_time and calendar support that allow manipulating with
     dates over non-Gregorian calendars
  c. Implemented full set of unit-tests
  d. Added support of many platforms and compilers.
  e. Lots of bug fixes.
  f. Complete reference with Doxygen
  g. Many tutorial updates, thanks to Markus Raab inputs

Tested compilers and platforms:

- Compilers:
  - GCC 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4
  - Intel Compiler 11.0
  - SunStudio 12 with STLPort
  - MSVC 2008
- Operating Systems:
  - Linux
  - FreeBSD
  - OpenSolaris
  - Windows XP
  - Windowns XP/Cygwin

- ICU Versions: 3.6, 3.8, 4.2

Full list of tests:

- Linux:
  - Debian GNU/Linux 2.6.18, x86, GCC 4.1.2, ICU 3.6.1
  - Debian GNU/Linux 2.6.26, x86_64, GCC 4.3.2, ICU 3.8.1
  - Debian GNU/Linux 2.6.26, x86_64, GCC 4.4 -std=c++0x, ICU 3.8.1 (Some faults on char16_t/char32_t support)
  - Debian GNU/Linux 2.6.26, x86_64, Intel Compiler 11.0, ICU 3.8.1

- FreeBSD
  - FreeBSD 8.0, i386, GCC 4.2.1, ICU 3.8.1

- OpenSolaris:
  - SunOS OpenSolaris 5.11, i386; Sun Studio 12, with STLPort, ICU 4.2
  - SunOS OpenSolaris 5.11, i386; GCC 3.4.3, ICU 4.2

- Windows XP/SP2
  - Cygwin 1.5, GCC 3.4, ICU 3.8
  - Cygwin 1.5, GCC 4.3, ICU 4.2
  - Windows XP/SP2, Mingw/GCC 4.4, ICU 4.2 (Static build only)
  - Windows XP/SP2, MSVC9 (2008)


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