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Subject: Re: [boost] [optional_io] Request permission to merge simple fix to optional extraction operator
From: Daniel James (dnljms_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-20 14:47:48
On 20 July 2010 19:28, Fernando Cacciola <fernando.cacciola_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> This is clearly a bug so I can only guess that no one is using it (except
> for the user that reported it).
> The fix is quite trivial:
> https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/changeset/64206
> And I've updated the test accordingly to make sure it works.
> Can I marge the fix into the release branch?
That doesn't look right to me. If the input isn't valid, you should
set the stream's fail bit, not assert.
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