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Subject: Re: [boost] namespace boost?
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-15 17:54:52

On 1/15/2011 5:13 PM, Denis Shevchenko wrote:
> And more... Single standard of namespaces would resolve the problem with
> placeholders. When I write:
> _1
> what is it? Is it boost::lambda, boost::bind or boost::spirit::qi? IMHO,
> each placeholder must be placed in own namespace.

You forgot boost::mpl, which is also has the numeric placeholders.

For some ( if not all ) of those libraries the placeholders are in their
own namespace. But either the names are lifted into the global namespace
for ease of use or the end-user puts it there. Of course ideally the
authors should not be putting their placeholders into the global
namespace, but let the end-user do that if he wants. The library authors
are aware of this issue, but changing now will break much code so that
is probably the reason why changes have not been made.

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