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Subject: Re: [boost] namespace boost?
From: Denis Shevchenko (for.dshevchenko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-18 10:51:32

18.01.2011 18:58, Stewart, Robert ÐÉÛÅÔ:
>> But for libraries with one 'main concept' file must exists such file.
>> For example, in my Configurator:
>> #include<boost/configurator/configurator.hpp>
> That should not preclude configurator/all.hpp, even if all.hpp merely includes configurator.hpp. You can change boost/configurator/all.hpp should the need ever arise while boost/configurator.hpp won't need to change. That makes selective, local changes easier because they would be isolated to the configurator subdirectory.
Yes, I agree. Confess, never thought about it...

- Denis

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