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Subject: Re: [boost] Git vs. SVN - select a review manager!
From: Vladimir Prus (vladimir_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-01-31 12:25:54

Robert Ramey wrote:

> Vladimir Prus wrote:
>> As of recent, we had quite a lot of discussion about process. In true
>> open-source spirit, it was a fairly open discussion, with everybody
>> offering their perspectives and experience. However, while we surely
>> learned many things, it does not seem like we're going anywhere.
>> For a quick experiment, I tried to assess whether the discussion
>> actually reflects the needs of Boost developers, so I created a table
>> of Boost developers sorted by the number of commits in 2010. It is
>> here:
>> It seems that 5 top Boost comitters did not participate much in recent
>> discussions. And going down the list, it seems like many of active
>> developers did not say anything, while most of discussions is fueled
>> by folks who
>> don't commit much.
>> Of course, everybody can offer valuable thoughts, but if the goal is
>> to fix things for Boost developers, it would make sense if developers
>> say that needs fixing, as opposed to other people doing it for them.
>> Maybe I suggest that for some time, we outright ban freeform
>> discussion about process, and instead, we restrict them to threads
>> started by a Boost developers and saying this: "I am maintainer of X,
>> and had N commits and M trac changes in the last year. I most hate
>> P1, P2 and P3. I would propose that we use T1, T2, and T3 to fix
>> that". Then, everybody could join to suggest better
>> way of fixing P1, P2 and P3 -- without making up other supposed
>> problems.
>> Thoughts?
> I thought about this some more. I understand your point. Thinking about
> this maybe there is something we CAN do. We currently have
> a review process with review manager, etc. .... This has worked
> quite well for accepting libraries. The review manager's job is
> to lend some structure to the discussion, try to forge a concensus. weigh
> all the input
> (not necessarily equally), and arrive at a decision. I suggest that
> we engage in the same process structure for making a very
> large tool change.

Okay, then we only need to pick a:

- review manager, to lead a review that will select,
- review manager, to lead a review that will select,
- ...
- review manager, to lead a review that will select,
- the version control system

That's so simple! ;-)

Vladimir Prus
Mentor Graphics
+7 (812) 677-68-40

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