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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.46.0] Release schedule?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-02-03 12:14:30

Beman Dawes wrote:
> John Maddock recently complained that "beta's are too short". I agree,
> since we end up not having time to do more that a few high priority
> fixes.

FWIW - this another opportunity to plug my proposal that
testing of each library be done against the current release branch.
(that is the candidate for the next release). I would hope that
this diminishes the differences which would be pending
between the beta and final version. In effect, testing
would be applied to the "beta" on a continuing basis.

Anyone who want's to test the "beta" would only have
to sync his local system to the release branch. That
is a lot of the current beta testing would be built into
the library development.

I apologize for constantly nagging on this. I just think
that opportunities for pointing out the benefits of
doing this just keep presenting themselves and I
can't restrain myself.

Robert Ramey

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