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Subject: Re: [boost] [xint] quick review
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-15 11:46:26
Domagoj Saric wrote:
> "Stewart, Robert" <Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden]> wrote
> > Chad Nelson wrote:
> >> "Phil Endecott" <spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> I have yet to see any other objection to my focus on
> >> >> unlimited-size integers for an unlimited-size integer
> >> >> library.
> >> >
> >> > That's odd, because my very first posts in this review
> >> > focused on your code's unacceptably-poor performance for
> >> > fixed-size integers.
> >> > Here's what I wrote in my review: "Performance of small
> >> > and fixed-length integers is poor. This could be
> >> > resolved by storing fixed-length values on the stack, or
> >> > by using some sort of small buffer optimisation."
> >>
> >> I read that as an objection to the performance of the
> >> fixed-size integers, not an objection to the library
> >> itself because it focused on unlimited-size integers.
> >
> > That's how it appears to me.
> How is that significantly different? The suboptimal
> performance of fixed-sized integers is the direct consequence
> of a wrong internal design and 'focus on unlimited-size
> integers'...
The difference is that Chad's focus on unlimited-size integers and implementing fixed-size integers on top of that base led to poor performance of fixed-size integrals, but doesn't necessarily mean that his unlimited-size integer implementation is inherently wrong. As written, the library may not satisfy your needs for fixed-size integers, but that doesn't imply that it has "wrong internal design" for unlimited-size integers.
Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer using std::disclaimer;
Dev Tools & Components
Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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