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Subject: [boost] [system] error_condition::message is unclear to me
From: Jochen Wilhelmy (j.wilhelmy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-24 13:22:10


I looked at boost::system and some things are unclear to me:
if error_code and error_condition are low level and abstract versions of
the same
category, then if error_condition::message simply returns

|category().message( value() )|

then how does category know that it's a condition value and not an error
(error_code::message also returns| category().message( value() ))|
currently error_condition appears quite useless to me since the values
have to be
the same as in error_code.
by the way msdn tells us that error_code is for system errors and
is for user-defined errors but this may be as true as unicode is
equivalent to utf16 ;-)

another problem I see in system_error::what().
i think it's common sense that what() should return
- standarsized strings across platforms
- english strings
and is used only for lookup. but the current implementation returns the
translated string of
the underlying operating system.


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