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Subject: Re: [boost] [locale] Review part 1: headers
From: Michael Caisse (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-10 01:45:17

On 04/09/2011 09:27 PM, Artyom wrote:
>>> Give me a name of modern compiler that supports C++03
>>> and has sizeof(unsigned)< 4?
>> On DSPs it is usually 1 byte and 16 bits, but then it could be argued they
>> have bad compilers.
>> I wonder if anyone ever tried to run Boost with a TI compiler (they certainly
>> claim support for C++
>> is "excellent" on their wiki).
> - Does ICU compilable for DSP?
> - Does standard C++ library of them supports something
> beyond C and POSIX locales?
> See... Where I need 32 bits I use them, however I need
> this enum to have 20 bits and this is
> practical not theoretical issue.
> So 16 bit platform would be not supported for now.
> I'm really try to solve practical issues.

Hi Artyom -

I happen to use GCC on a few targets that have unsigned as a 16-bit
value but that isn't the point. The real point is the standard
guarantees that unsigned is at least 16-bits and you need 20. You should
be using uint32_t or equivalent. Using unsigned int when you need
20-bits is an error.


Michael Caisse
Object Modeling Designs

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