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Subject: Re: [boost] [move] new rvalue reference emulation
From: Eric Niebler (eric_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-11 08:46:25
> On 4/10/2011 9:22 PM, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
>> I have a follow-up to my original message regarding a typeless
>> emulated rvalue reference. I was disappointed in the lack of
>> feedback (other than Dave) on the original message, which might
>> mean that those who took the time to parse the message didn't think
>> it was worth pursuing;
Not at all. I am very interested in improved move emulation in C++03.
Speaking solely from myself, I just don't have the time to do the
technical investigation that it would take to respond intelligently to
your mail. I expect some others are in the same position. Please don't
be discouraged!
-- Eric Niebler BoostPro Computing http://www.boostpro.com
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