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Subject: Re: [boost] [gui] Help with a little experiment.
From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-06-20 05:09:50

On 18/06/2011 16:55, Artyom Beilis wrote:

> Making a GUI library is not about providing
> nice syntactic sugar for building layout.
> Syntactic sugar is the last thing that should interest you.

Having a short and concise declarative definition of your GUI has
several advantages.
It's easier to validate it, it allows to avoid bugs, and you can really
materialize the intent of what you want instead of coding its logic

Moreover, writing GUIs is very tedious and uninteresting. It would be
nice if it were possible to automate more things.

For this reason, most Boost-related efforts for GUIs have not been to
create a robust library with lots of features, but rather to provide a
"better" way to make GUIs built on top of an existing widget engine.

I believe the Adobe Adam&Eve project is the most popular approach for
GUIs in the Boost community.
The way to go may be to do a Eve-like C++ DSEL.

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