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Subject: [boost] problems with the Random library in Boost v1.47
From: Hongyu Miao (jackymiao_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-07-13 14:35:11

Hi, All

Sorry to bother you with this. I met a problem with the Random library in
the latest release v1.47.


The following code works well for v1.46.1:


double unirand_real(double a, double b)


    // Create a random number generator engine

    static boost:: mt19937 rng_real(static_cast<unsigned


    // select Uniform probability distribution

   boost::uniform_real<double> dist(a, b);


    // bind random number generator to distribution, forming a function

    boost:: variate_generator < boost:: mt19937 &,
boost::uniform_real<double> > sampler(rng_real, dist);


    // sample from the distribution

    return sampler();



However, when I adopted my code to v1.47, the following code failed due to
memory access violation after a number of function calls:


double unirand_real(double a, double b)


    // Create a random number generator engine

    static boost::random::mt19937 rng_real(static_cast<unsigned


    // select Uniform probability distribution

   boost::random::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(a, b);


   // return random sample

   return dist(rng_real);




I will appreciate your help with this problem as right now I think the
Random library may have a bug.










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