Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [test] Trunk broken: What happened to test_exec_monitor?
From: Gennadiy Rozental (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-03 16:09:45
Dave Abrahams <dave <at> boostpro.com> writes:
> This is so obvious, and things like this have happened so many times,
> that I'm amazed they're still happening.
Not sure what you refer to. I did not make any major changes for many many years.
> Gennadiy, what do we have to do to get you to take appropriate care with
> respect to your dependent libraries' test results?
> Is there some philosophical disagreement with
> the expectations of the group that you just can't bring yourself to meet
> them?
Aside from the test_exec_monitor removal (which I'll reinstate for now) is there
any other way in current setup for me to check in and test my changes? There is
always a chance that due to compiler differences trunk will be broken for short
period of time. As you said - this is so obvious. The only reason we talking
about this is because any changes I made bound to have higher exposure (in
comparison with other boost libraries).
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