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Subject: Re: [boost] [stl_ext_adv] ] Interest in advanced data structures
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-11-30 07:29:22

Le 30/11/11 10:58, Vadim Stadnik a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Advanced data structures (ADS) offer useful STL extensions that are not
> possible or not efficient with basic data structures, such as arrays,
> linked lists and red-black trees.
> The project
> focuses mainly on a generalized and unified computer representation of
> sequences using the augmented B+ trees. It provides the following STL
> extensions:
> - The sequence container supports random access iterators and a union of
> interfaces of STL containers: vector, list and deque. This sequence offers
> the advantage of efficient update operations with logarithmic running time
> compared with linear running time of the same operations of std::vector.
> - The associative containers (set, multiset, map and multimap) with random
> access iterators.
> - The enhanced random access iterators effectively address the fundamental
> problem of the iterator invalidation.
> - The function accumulate() with logarithmic computational complexity can
> significantly improve performance of many practically important algorithms
> and applications, such as the numerical integration, the statistics, the
> data analysis etc.

how is your library related/compared to Boost.MultiIndex?


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