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Subject: Re: [boost] Slow Bugs Tracker
From: Olaf van der Spek (ml_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-05 06:26:50
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:48 AM, Lars Viklund <zao_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 01:30:13AM +0100, Olaf van der Spek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Trac, the bugs tracker used, is really slow. Using it is a bad
>> experience, every single time.
> There's nothing particularly wrong with Trac per se as I understand it.
I've never seen a fast Trac instance.
> It's more a matter of the resources available on the Boost servers vs.
> the very high load placed on them.
What resources are available and what kind of load is there?
>> Would it be possible to use a better bugs tracker?
> Changing the bug tracker would break every single link made to it in the
> wild, not to mention that migrating data from one tracker brand to
> another brand is costly and non-trivial.
True. One option might be to continue using the old one for existing bugs.
Another option is to setup a forwarder to forward from the old to the
new tracker to avoid broken links.
> Any suggestion to migrate to another system (may it be build system,
> version control system, bug tracking system), should have some
> rudimentary measurements of the costs involved and the likely benefits
> that would come out of it.
I assume we agree on the performance problems of the current tracker, right?
-- Olaf
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