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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Extension - any plans?
From: Klaim - Joël Lamotte (mjklaim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-29 11:47:29

I asked Jeremy Pack for permission to report his answers to my questions
that I sent him through his personal website; here it is :

Unfortunately, some of the C++11 stuff did not go the way I needed it to.
> The linking guarantees it provides are not strong enough to provide for
> consistent shared library behavior across platforms. Many tasks that work
> just fine with certain compiler/platform combinations break horrifically on
> others. One example is being able to call the constructor in one shared
> library and the destructor in another shared library for an object, which
> only works on certain platforms.
> This and other serious issues can cause bizarre bugs for users whose code
> looks perfectly natural. Resolving these issues would result in a very
> complicated and inelegant API, and a complete rewrite of the library. I
> won't have time to do any of this work for quite some time, as I am
> currently a full-time software engineer and part-time student.
> I'm sorry for the bad news!
> Jeremy

I wonder if even with those problems it would be possible to write a
cross-platform library to do only the shared-library loading/unloading and
function call. A minimal subset of the current boost.extension.

Joël Lamotte

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