Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [EXTERNAL] Clang Darwin trunk Cray 8.0 and max_digits10 support - problem in config?
From: Michel Morin (mimomorin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-07-09 21:28:56
Hi Noel,
Belcourt, Kenneth wrote:
> This is, I'm afraid, out of the test runners hands.
> The issue is that clang (the same binary) works fine on these platforms
> if we disable c++11, not sure why enabling c++11 triggers missing
> cstddef header problems.
That's because you use libstdc++ in a C++03 mode and
libc++ (-stdlib=libc++) in a C++11 mode.
1. What's your system? Mac OS X 10.6?
2. Did you install libc++? If not, please install it. See the instruction
"Get it and get involved!" at http://libcxx.llvm.org/ .
3. If you already installed libc++ but the error happens, then your libc++
is not installed to the standard location. Could you check which directories
are searched by clang (by compiling with "-v" option) and where your libc++
headers are installed?
If you don't want to install libc++ to the standard location,
-LPATH_TO_YOUR_LIBCXX_LIB_DIR as clang's command line options
to specify the location of your libc++.
P.S. -stdlib=libc++ should be added to <linkflags>, too.
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