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Subject: Re: [boost] [test] new features use c++11 features
From: Jürgen Hunold (jhunold_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-18 11:09:27

Hi Gennadiy,

On Thursday, 18. October 2012 16:03:26 Jürgen Hunold wrote:
> Hi Gennadiy,

Please forget most of the last mail.

> Could you please try your changes with an older compiler first?
> As I can not use c++11 at the moment (I'm stuck with gcc-4.2) I would like
> to use the new features with this older compiler.

New features should use the new standard. Sorry for the noise.

The only patch really needed is guarding the implicit use of <type_traits> in
named_params.hpp. The Boost test using Boost.Test start running again.

Patch attached, Ok to commit?



* Dipl.-Math. Jürgen Hunold  ! 
* voice: ++49 4257 300       ! Fährstraße 1
* fax  : ++49 4257 300       ! 31609 Balge/Sebbenhausen
*             ! Germany

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