Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Test updates in trunk: need for (mini) review?
From: Gennadiy Rozenal (rogeeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-20 15:47:22
Robert Ramey <ramey <at> rrsd.com> writes:
> Steven Watanabe wrote:
> >> I. New testing tool BOOST_CHECKA
Kinda too long. And I'd like BOOST_CHECK_ASSERTION better if we are going with
long name
> >> II. New "data driven test case" subsystem
> >> BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE( t1, samples1, sample )
> BOOST_TEST_FOREACH(<test?>, <collection>, <item name>) ?
1. I already use this macro since the time before BOOST_FOREACH was introduced
into trunk
2. The name should really convey that this a test case
3. Data test case can have arbitrary arity. Foreach may look ambiguous in such
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