Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Test updates in trunk: need for (mini) review?
From: Alexander Lamaison (awl03_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-22 13:57:04
Gennadiy Rozenal <rogeeff_at_[hidden]> writes:
> Alexander Lamaison <awl03 <at> doc.ic.ac.uk> writes:
>> Or just BOOST_TEST as that is now the default testing tool? TEST_CHECK
>> an TEST_ASSERTION etc. are redundant as it says the same thing twice.
> I need 3 names: warn, check and require levels. What do you propose?
I'd call the check version BOOST_TEST and the require version
BOOST_TEST_REQUIRE as it's not the tool you immediately reach for. I
must admit, I've no idea what the warning variant does. How does that
differ from CHECK? I can't find it documented here [1].
[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/libs/test/doc/html/utf/testing-tools/reference.html
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