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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Test updates in trunk: need for (mini) review?
From: Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. (jeffrey.hellrung_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-26 09:33:55

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 5:41 AM, Ian Emmons <iemmons_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> On Oct 19, 2012, at 11:03 PM, Gennadiy Rozenal wrote:
> > It's been a long while since I merged any changes into boost release and
> by
> > now there are whole bunch of new features there. Some are small, but some
> > others are big ones such that they can change the way people use the
> library.
> > I'd like to list them here (excluding bug fixes and removal of deprecated
> > interfaces) and ask what should we do with these. Specifically let me
> know
> > if you think these require some kind of (mini) review from community,
> but any
> > other comments are welcome as well.
> Excellent stuff! Thanks for this work. I have a couple of comments.

I haven't been following too closely the proposed Boost.Test changes, but I
have some comments on your comments... :)

> First, __please__ pay attention to documentation. I know you have said
> that documentation isn't something you like/want to do, but a library
> without good documentation is useful only to the writer. In other words,
> it is (in a general purpose case like this) simply a waste of time.


> Second, I have below suggested some terminology changes. (Not for
> BOOST_CHECKA -- you have plenty of input on that.) Some believe that a
> name is only a name, but I disagree. Choosing names carefully is, in my
> opinion, a powerful means of communication and documentation.


> > II. New "data driven test case" subsystem
> >
> > <<snip>>
> >
> > d) join - dataset constructed by joining 2 datasets of the same type
> >
> > int a[] = {1,2,3};
> > int b[] = {7,8,9};
> > data::make(a) + data::make(b) - dataset with 6 integer values
> This should be called "concatenation", not "joining". People with a
> database background will expect something called "join" to increase the
> arity of the result.

"Join" is actually the terminology used by Boost.Range [1], so I think it's
entirely appropriate here, even given the many uses of join (I mean, one
could also argue that people with a math background might expect [2], but I
don't think that precludes the use of "join" in this context).

That said, "concatenation" sounds about as good.

> e) zip - dataset constructed by zipping 2 datasets of the same size, but
> not
> > necessarily the same type
> >
> > This dataset has an arity which is sum of argument dataset arities.
> >
> > int a[] = {1,2,3};
> > char* b[] = {"qwe", "asd", "zxc"};
> >
> > data::make(a) ^ data::make(b)
> > dataset with 3 samples which are pairs of int and char*.
> Calling this "zipping" is odd (at least to me). Makes it sound like a
> compression facility. Perhaps "tupling" would be better.

Again, Boost.Iterator has adopted "zip" [3] to mean precisely this, so I
think it's entirely appropriate. I don't know how zip conveys compression
other than in reference to the zip compression format, and...really, to be
honest, I'm not sure why "zip" was chosen for *that* name in the first

"Tupling" has ambiguity with feature f) below, which also produces a
dataset of tuples, but in a different way.

I also think the choice of operator here is not ideal. How does the xor
> operator evoke any notion of this operation? I would choose bitwise-or "|"
> because that is sometimes used as a flat-file column delimiter. (Actually,
> my favorite choice would be the comma operator to go along with the
> "tupling" terminology, but who am I to defy Scott Meyers' More Effective
> C++, Item 7?)
> > f) grid - dataset constructed by "multiplying" 2 datasets of the same
> different
> > sizes and types type
> >
> > This dataset has an arity which is sum of argument dataset arities.
> >
> > int a[] = {1,2,3};
> > char* b[] = {"qwe", "asd"};
> > double c[] = {1.1, 2.2};
> >
> > data::make(a) * data::make(b) * data::make(c)
> > dataset with 12 samples which are tuples of int and char* and double.
> For people with a database background, "cross product" is the obvious name
> for this. Calling it anything else is silly.

Uh, this is Cartesian product [4], not a cross product [5], as far as I'm
concerned. Cartesian product > grid > cross product.

- Jeff


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