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Subject: Re: [boost] [log] Most recent version
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-08 04:11:58

On December 7, 2012 8:41:57 PM Alexander Arhipenko <arhipjan_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi,
> We're going to update boost.log sources in our code base.
> Could you please recommend what version to use?
> The code is taken from:
> And currently I consider 3 options:
> branches/v1

This is the most recent version 1.x of Boost.Log. It is no longer
developed but is is the most stable version.

> branches/bleeding-edge

This is the work in progress for v2 of the library. This is the closest
thing to what v2 will eventually be and to what will be included to
Boost. Currently, the code compiles and shaped more or less. However,
it may not compile at times and barely tested as this is where
development is going on.

> trunk

This is some intermediate v2 that is more stable than bleeding-edge. It
is slightly outdated now, I'm planning to merge bleeding-edge to trunk
some time soon.

The all three versions have source-incompatible differences but in the
long run the bleeding-edge interface is what you should be aimed for if
you plan to update to newer versions of the library. If you only want
some stable version for one time use, you can use the current trunk or v1.

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