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Subject: Re: [boost] [atomic] Header rearrangement
From: Daniel Pfeifer (daniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-12 07:47:45

2012/12/11 Andrey Semashev <andrey.semashev_at_[hidden]>

> Hi,
> Before merging Boost.Atomic to release I would like to propose to
> rearrange library headers a bit:
> 1. The current boost/atomic/config.hpp and platform.hpp seem to be not
> intended for public use as they don't provide any public components. I
> propose to move them to boost/atomic/detail.
> 2. The boost/atomic.hpp header defines the atomic<> template. I
> propose to move its contents to boost/atomic/atomic.hpp. The
> boost/atomic.hpp will be left as the "include all" header and will
> only include boost/atomic/atomic.hpp for now.
> The motivation for the proposal is to cleanup the public library
> interface (header layout) and simplify extension later. For instance,
> function-style interface can be added as a new header in boost/atomic,
> it would fit naturally in the proposed layout. Also, with the upcoming
> transition to git it seems that all library headers should reside in
> the library's own subdirectory and not directly in boost/.

It is true that, after the modularization, all header files will be found
in the appropriate library's folder. However, it will allways be possible
for a library to provide header files "as if" they were directly in boost/.

After the modularization, it will be possible in princible that two modules
both provide a file with the same name, which may lead to unexpected
results. Currently this is technically impossible.

AFAICT, the change will not affect any other libraries since only
> boost/atomic.hpp is included currently. If noone objects (Tim, I would
> very much like to hear from you on this), I can do the necessary
> changes.
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