Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Interest in serialization library
From: iwg molw5 (iwg.molw5_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-28 03:07:09
On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 12:38 AM, Andrey Semashev <andrey.semashev_at_[hidden]
> wrote:
> Could you elaborate? A short example would certainly help.
struct S
int x;
namespace framework {namespace serializable {
template <>
serializable_specification <S>
template <typename Input>
static bool read (Input& in, S& out)
return serializable_specification <little_endian
<int>>::read(in, out.x));
template <typename Output>
static bool write (S const& in, Output& out)
return serializable_specification <little_endian
<int>>::write(in.x, out));
Admittedly, the above is not particularly palatable - I wanted to
introduce nested serializable_specification calls and avoid
referencing operator types above. The library does not constrain the
stream type - the above could just as easily assume the presence of stream
operators and use those. See:
for a more complete example and:
for a syntax closer to that used by boost.
Does the library control the validity of the serialized data when
> deserializing? Is there an associated overhead?
The library supports custom wrapper types (such as little_endian) and
custom implementations (not introduced above - see
custom_implementation.cpp or the documentation's tutorial) depending on
the type of input validation required.
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