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Subject: Re: [boost] GSOC 2013
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-10 12:48:18

Le 10/04/13 12:19, Dmitriy a écrit :
> Hi folks!
> I am Dmitriy Gorbel, a computer science student at the Kharkiv
> Polytechnic University from Ukraine.
> I browsed Boost C++ Libraries home page for GSoC and I want to propose
> a project to implement of a Fixed Point library.
> I read open standard on
> and tried implementation by Vicente J. Botet Escriba at the
> Now I prepare my proposal.
> So I will take implementation by Vicente J. Botet Escriba in the first
> place, and I found few more simple implementations, but can anyone
> advise me other implementations of Fixed Point arithmetic, which I
> must pay attention? Not necessarily in C++, pure C also would be good.
Hi Dmitriy,

glad to see you have decided to post on this ML.

I think the goal is to implement something close to the C++ Fixed Point
C++1y proposal. You can look at my prototype to see if you are confident
with the complexity (template meta-programming) needed to solve the
problem at hand.

Of course you can make a proposal for GSoC that is not based on the
C++1y proposal that could imply a simpler implementation, but that would
miss some of the features I'm locking for.

So the fisrt thing you can do is to understand the C++1y proposal,
inspect my prototype and then see if you want to implement the C++1y
proposal independently of my prototype.
If you prefer to go towards a less static type approach for
fixed-points, there are some implementations that you can found on the
web. I don't remember none particularly, but I would replay once I have
found some of them. There is also a lot of mail exchanges that you could
try to digest in the Boost ML.

The make a concrete proposal and send it either directly to GSoc to this
ML or to me.


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