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Subject: [boost] Fwd: [gsoc 2013] boost.multiprecision
From: Sagar Massand (sagar.massand_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-04-26 08:56:14

    I wanted to submit a proposal but I am not sure right now if I am going
in the right direction.It would be great if you could guide me here.

    I was thinking of implementing karatsuba multiplication in the initial
stages, complete with a testing of the implementation, and then move on to
Schonhage-Strassen and other fast-fourier transform algorithms in the last
one and half months seeing that our primary requirement is for numbers
uptil 1000 digits.

    I was also thinking of the implementation of some other division
algorithms like Goldschmidt, Newton-Raphson etc.

    A complete link to my proposal can be found below:

    It would be great if you could give suggestions to improve this.Thanks.

Sagar Massand

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