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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc2013] Proposal for Boost.Math Bernoulli numbers and special functions project
From: Christopher Kormanyos (e_float_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-01 16:15:22
Hello Artemy, your proposal is getting a lot better.
You might consider adding before chapter 1
a short description of 3-5 sentences.
Short description: In the proposed project, we will...
After the short description, you should consider adding
a section on personal details including:
Degree Program (B.Sc., M, Sc., PhD, etc.):
Availability for GSoC:
Intended start and stop dates:
Please try to get your proposal onto Google melange.
You can get it up there in a preliminary fashion
and change it all the way up to the deadline.
In chapter 3, you have begun immediately with
code. Your proposal will flow better if you add
two or three sentences describing your potential
design before the prototyping code.
Describe, for example, that a template solution will
be used similar to the existing function implementations
in Boost.Math. Indicate that this will be designed
to be used with built-in floating-point types as well
as Boost.Multiprecision. Describe intended
support for the numerical policy class, etc.
Keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Chris.
From: Artemy Margaritov <artemy.margaritov_at_[hidden]>
To: boost_at_[hidden]
Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc2013] Proposal for Boost.Math Bernoulli numbers and special functions project
Hello everybody.
I correct my proposal according to advices of Christopher Kormanyos.
Please, review it again.
Any suggestions are welcome.
On 1 May 2013 00:44, Christopher Kormanyos <e_float_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > Hello Christopher.
> > Thank you for your review!
> > About new chapter with brief description of code structure:
> > OK, I will add it. I will submit the new version of proposal draft with
> > this chapter tomorrow at 19 p.m. UTC.
> > About C++ experience:
> > At Intel I work on restricted project and due to Intel policy I can not
> > tell more than I work at software and service group.
> > I can add only that my responsibility at Intel is C++ programming and I
> am
> > profound user of c++. Is that enough?
> Maybe say something about how the experience at Intel has
> provided you with the opportunity to gain practical experience
> in C++ programming in a professional environment.
> (As I assume this is correct.)
> > About proposal at Google's melange site:
> > OK, I will add numbers to formula in my PDF proposal and start to make
> text
> > proposal at Google's melange site.
> That all sounds good.
> Good work so far and good luck with your
> proposal.
> Sincerely, Chris.
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