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Subject: Re: [boost] [gsoc 2013] draft proposal for chrono::date
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-05-04 12:16:18
Le 04/05/13 17:57, Anurag Kalia a écrit :
>> Just to be sure I'm not trying to solve an issue that doesn't needs to
>> be solved:
>> Given
>> date d = day(33) / month(5) / 2013;
>> Note that I has a typo on the day. This is equivalent on my
>> implementation to
>> date d(year(2013), month(5), day(33));
>> If I want to throw a bad date exception I would need to check that the
>> day/month and year are in range. Next follows the code:
>> days_date::days_date(year y, month m, day d)
>> {
>> if (set_if_valid_date(y, m, d))
>> return;
>> throw bad_date("day " + to_string(d) + " is out of range for "
>> + to_string(y) + '-' + to_string(m));
>> }
>> bool days_date::set_if_valid_date(year y, month m, day d) noexcept;
> I have a question here. Why are we not throwing the exception from
> set_if_valid_date() itself? Why did we include noexcept in its definition?
set_if_valid_date allows the user make changes without using exceptions.
This is useful on some contexts.
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