Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Patch bonanza for VS2013 Preview support
From: Niall Douglas (ndouglas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-03 11:34:03
> > I will over the coming week: I have quite a bit of Nov12 CTP only
> > #ifdef code, mainly due to that fun bug where a 'catch(...)' in a
> > template made MSVC try to expand variadic args. I assume they'll have
> > fixed
> that.
> Yes, that was fixed on Nov 28, 2012 (DevDiv#510827 internally).
Outstanding. I'm also very mean to your std::current_exception()
implementation by doing evil such as rethrowing and catching exception_ptr's
caught in other threads during exception catch handling in several hundred
simultaneous threads. GCC and clang get this right, whereas Nov 2012 CTP has
some race conditions in there, and it can and does lose state occasionally if
too many threads are doing this simultaneously.
I didn't report it yet because (a) Nov 2012 CTP isn't production and (b) I'm
hoping to persuade Vicente to add some new member functions to
boost::shared_future<> to let me retrieve the exception_ptr instead of having
to always do a try { future.get(); } catch(...) {
push_back(make_into_boost(std::current_exception()); }. Which obviously takes
much of the load off the exception handling runtime.
> Alias templates and defaulted/deleted functions have been checked into the
> compiler. I believe the listed C99 features have all been checked in, but
> I'm not
> absolutely sure (and presumably they don't matter to Boost). I don't know
> the
> current state of NSDMIs as I don't have to take a dependency on them.
> I just checked in the STL changes for alias templates; deleted functions are
> up
> next.
Very useful to know, thanks. I'm sure like most people the killer feature for
me of VS2013 is variadic templates, though the newer C++11 complete Dinkumware
is also a great help. Everything else I can live without for now. You may have
noticed a heated discussion on this very mailing list regarding the topic of
Boost's long term support for compilers such as Visual Studio only recently.
--- Opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of BlackBerry Inc.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk