Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Extremely large Visual Studio libboost_log_setup* binaries
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-03 15:56:01
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 10:18 PM, Antony Polukhin <antoshkka_at_[hidden]>wrote:
> I'll just explain what confuses me:
> * Stripped logger library is bigger than any other Boost library.
So what?
> * Logger library contains implementation of call_once, thread local
> storage, atomics, nonblocking queues... IMO it is not the right place for
> that functionality. It must be merged with Boost.Thread, Boost.Atomic and
> other Boost libraries if Boost.Log implementation is better.
Ok, let's see how much space they take. This is what the static debug libs
consist of:
1 445 620 attribute_name.obj
822 355 attribute_set.obj
894 604 attribute_value_set.obj
706 555 code_conversion.obj
1 859 847 core.obj
3 613 753 date_time_format_parser.obj
555 378 debug_output_backend.obj
570 930 default_attribute_names.obj
1 663 193 default_sink.obj
424 925 dump.obj
420 758 dump_avx2.obj
415 277 dump_ssse3.obj
621 148 event.obj
5 543 958 event_log_backend.obj
2 749 488 exceptions.obj
5 136 624 format_parser.obj
1 646 009 global_logger_storage.obj
1 315 975 light_rw_mutex.obj
988 729 named_scope.obj
5 128 769 named_scope_format_parser.obj
1 713 509 once_block.obj
555 737 process_id.obj
751 919 process_name.obj
1 593 922 record_ostream.obj
1 273 079 severity_level.obj
180 simple_event_log_res.obj
1 969 074 spirit_encoding.obj
3 039 412 syslog_backend.obj
15 313 056 text_file_backend.obj
1 182 865 text_ostream_backend.obj
575 528 threadsafe_queue.obj
1 244 833 thread_id.obj
556 962 thread_specific.obj
764 713 timer.obj
57 159 timestamp.obj
1 207 578 trivial.obj
34 667 unhandled_exception_count.obj
84 880 092 default_filter_factory.obj
78 733 860 filter_parser.obj
92 323 500 formatter_parser.obj
39 735 808 init_from_settings.obj
2 109 440 init_from_stream.obj
777 225 parser_utils.obj
54 887 842 settings_parser.obj
The components you listed are in once_block.obj, threadsafe_queue.obj,
thread_specific.obj. Still think that these are the culprit? I suggest you
get slightly more informed next time before you start pointing fingers.
BTW, if anyone's interested, I've described the reasoning for implementing
some of these components here:
* Non-stripped Boost.Log bloats binary installer *much* more than any other
> Boost library.
Although I don't aim to minimize the binary size, that's something I'd like
to address, if possible.
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk