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Subject: Re: [boost] boost-1.54 needs a bugfix!
From: Daniel James (daniel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-07 03:38:07
On 7 July 2013 06:47, Daniela Engert <dani_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Am 07.07.2013 00:29, schrieb Daniel James:
>> Because subversion is odd?
> In this case, SVN works exactly as it is told to by someone who attached and
> set the svn:keywords property on a subset of boost's files: modify the
> related texts accordingly ('$Date:$' in this case).
You'd expect it to only do that for files that were actually modified though.
> A set of diff files - one for each changeset - might get around this
> annoyance.
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