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Subject: Re: [boost] [mixin] New library reminder
From: Borislav Stanimirov (b.stanimirov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-07-13 08:40:55
On 07/13/2013 02:46 PM, Klaim - Joël Lamotte wrote:
> Most games don't have more than one world running in memory at the same time
> and not all games have tons of elements to update quickly and not all games
> have to run on ARM efficiently.
> It just appears that mines does. :D
Ooops. I forgot to address this.
I now understand what you mean by two worlds. I'll think about what can
be done in the library to accommodate for such a case. For now it won't
be possible to separate the logic between two sets of objects.
The library provides something that's vaguely similar to this: domains.
The domain is a set of mixins and messages that don't mix. You could add
the same class and same messages to many domains and thus you'll be able
to have your two worlds, but you won't be able to have N worlds, because
you'll have to have the code
BOOST_DEFINE_MIXIN_IN_DOMAIN(domain_a, some_mixin, features & a_allocator);
BOOST_DEFINE_MIXIN_IN_DOMAIN(domain_b, some_mixin, features & b_allocator);
But if the number of worlds is determined at runtime, this won't help
you, plus managing will be a real nightmare with all the same internally
generated names.
Still I think I'll be able to do something in this regard. I'll think
about it.
-- Borislav
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