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Subject: Re: [boost] NuGet packages for boost
From: Ben Craig (ben.craig_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-09-19 09:13:25

> Are you aware of the modularization plan for boost?
I'm aware now :). I have seen Jens Weller's Boost dependency analyzer (
) and I was pretty sure that it was related to efforts like this.

> Note also that even with code in separate git repos, there is currently
> a complex mesh of interdependencies between the repos/libraries. The
> real work is to do actual modularization of the code:
I think that the modularization effort has a lot of value. I don't think
it is necessary for NuGet though. As I understand the modularization
effort, it is also trying to express the dependencies between headers-only
libraries. For NuGet, I would likely just put all the headers in a
"boost_includes" package. Sergey has already demonstrated that such an
approach is possible.

That said, Google hasn't shown me any documentation on binary-library
dependencies. This can be determined empirically, but I am afraid of the
information getting stale.

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