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Subject: Re: [boost] SQL: next iteration of sqlpp11
From: Rodrigo Madera (rodrigo.madera_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-02-05 12:22:45
On Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 3:16 PM, Roland Bock <rbock_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> If someone writes an sqlpp11-connector for SOCI, the connector will
> depend on both SOCI and sqlpp11. But neither sqlpp11 nor SOCI will
> depend on the connector or each other. That is one of the beauties of
> the approach :-)
But wouldn't that duplicate work?
For instance, SOCI has an Oracle backend. If sqlpp uses SOCI as a backend,
it would have support for Oracle, and all other RDBMs for that matter.
But if sqlpp has a other connectors bypassing SOCI, then what is the
advantage? Would sqlpp have direct Oracle connectors besides SOCI's?
If so, I begin to question the usefulness of integrating sqlpp with SOCI.
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