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Subject: Re: [boost] Fwd: Regarding GSoc'14 Boost.odeint idea
From: Karsten Ahnert (karsten.ahnert_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-03-10 16:40:54

Hi Rishav,

On 10.03.2014 13:19, Rishav Agrawal wrote:
> Sir/Mam,
> I, Rishav Agarwal, am a sophomore studing at the Indian Institute of
> Technology, Kanpur, India. I am interested in the working on implementing
> implicit routine for solving ODEs. I have done a semeser long on Numerical
> Methods in my third semester and am quite familiar with the algorithms
> used. Although I do not have much experience working with the Boost
> library, I am well aquaited with C++ and Python and can pick up the
> libraries easily.
> I would appreciate if the probable mentor could guide me through the
> application process and tell me about any pre-requisite/tests that I need
> to clear which could strengthen my proposal.

Last year we had a small test about the coding skills and the odeint
library. We will use this test this year again. I will sent it with a
separate private mail.

Implicit routines require to solve linear systems. I think, the main
difficulty is to integrate these linear solvers into odeint such that
they are exchangeable like the existing algebras and operations. This
would be a good foundation to implement implicit routines and I would be
happy if the BDF method could be implemented. Of course there are some
other easier methods (implicit Euler) which could be implemented first.

Prerequisites are a solid knowledge of the C++ template systems and a
basic knowledge of the implicit algorithms.

> A list of my previous projects can be found here <>.
> Sincerely,
> Rishav Raj Agarwal
> I.I.T.Kanpur
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