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Subject: Re: [boost] throw or boost::throw_exception?
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-05-31 09:01:56

John Maddock wrote:
> > Or, we could move these two headers to a separate 'throw_exception'
> > module, with Emil as maintainer.
> That's also fine, just seems a little strange to have a repository for 2
> files.

It is a bit strange, but no stranger than Boost.Assert. These cases, when
the entire Boost depends on a few headers, warrant an exception, in my
opinion. A dependency on Boost.Exception isn't a big deal in practice, but
it carries a heavy psychological weight ("but I don't use Boost.Exception,
why am I forced to depend on it!"). A separate module comes with the
guarantee that it will never grow and acquire dependencies behind your back.

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