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Subject: Re: [boost] [vmd] Library Review
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-09-15 00:37:42
On 9/15/2014 12:17 AM, pfultz2 wrote:
>> I am not sure what you mean by namespaces ? Do you mean the type of the
>> token parsed ?
> I mean the prefix for the tokens.
OK. I will choose something easy, starting with BOOST_VMD_
>>> Perhaps Paul can explain it better than me.
>> The BOOST_PP_AUTO_REC macro is not documented so maybe you can
>> understand my being puzzled by it and what it is used for. Other
>> undocumented macros in Boost PP are generally easier for me to follow.
> Oops! Well it is documented in Chaos. I guess its more of an implementation
> detail in Boost.PP. Of course, its not at all obvious what it does from
> looking at the code(even though it is quite nicely formatted).
Paul Mensonides explained it in his reply.
>> The BOOST_VMD_SEQUENCE macro I plan will return for each v-type found
>> not only its data by is v-type also. I am leaning toward returning the
>> data as a Boost PP seq where every element of he seq is a tuple of
>> (type,value) pairs. Each type will be a number identifying a distinct
>> v-type (number,identifier,array,list,seq,tuple).
> There may be use cases for this. However, it would be nice just to map it
> directly to a sequence without the v-type. So you could have a mpping to a
> v-sequence which has the v-types(perhaps the tuple (type,value) pairs), but
> in
> addition have a mapping to pp sequence which will just have the value. I can
> see how there are uses for both of these.
Sure. Easy enough.
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