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Subject: Re: [boost] [Boost.Convert] Specify input using iterators
From: Vladimir Batov (vb.mail.247_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-11-28 18:22:19


Thank you for your input. It's much appreciated. Please find my replies

Marius Dobrea wrote
> ...Have you considered using iterators (or ranges) to specify input? Would
> that be in the scope of your library?

Well, string-to-type converters already accept and work with ranges.
std::string is a range and can be provided as input. More so, "char const*"
and "char []" internally converted to a boost::cnv::range and then processed
by the same code handling std::string. In fact, I am pretty sure converters
support any character-based range, i.e. something that has begin/end and

> Also I note that the strtol() function returns the position of the first
> invalid character (endptr below):
> long int strtol (const char* str, char** endptr, int base);

Well, the name of cnv::strtol converter is a historical misnomer as it does
not use std::strtol().

> Could convert() provide the position where the conversion stopped? This
> would allow single pass parsing of some input data.

The answer is 'yes' and 'no'. :-) IMO you are asking for certain parsing
functionality and the current offering provides none of it... as I never
looked at "convert" as a parser and I did not personally had such a need.

That said, there is nothing stopping you to write your own stateful
converter which would store as much parsing info as you need... like the
info you asked for.

If you think your requirements are sufficiently generic and if you could
submit such a converter, we might review it on the list and potentially
include it as part of the "convert" family of converters. Does it sound

> Would a Converter callable with the following signature be useful?
> template
> <typename TypeOut, typename InputIterator>
> class Result
> {
> public:
> enum Errc { numeric_overflow, empty_range, invalid_character, ...};
> // std::expected like function signatures here
> private:
> TypeOut value;
> int errors;
> InputIterator pos;
> };
> template
> <typename TypeOut, typename InputIterator>
> void operator()(InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Result&lt;TypeOut,
> InputIterator&gt;& result) const;
> ...

Here, as I said, ranges are already supported so no need to pass in

As for "Result", then I'll have to look at your suggestion later in more
detail without hurry... However, my initial reaction on suggesting an
alternative/different "return" type is of a doubt. My *first* impression is
that it's difficult/impossible to make generic as different people will
probably want different content. Secondly, you won't believe how difficult
it was to defend returning "optional". Spoiled (IMO) by boost::lexical_cast
some expect only TypeOut and no more. My original proposal (some yeas ago)
was returning some "return" type... it did not fly.

That said, I feel that writing a custom converter (and storing relevant to
your requirements information in that converter) might be the way to go in a
situation as you describe. Does it make sense?

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