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Subject: Re: [boost] List of C++ 11 only Boost libraries and their status?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-11-28 16:19:20

Niall Douglas wrote
> For dependency management, you're probably not going to like my
> solution as I don't either, but essentially you git submodule all
> your library dependencies into your include directory, so
> library/include/boost/library/submodule. You then go ahead and use
> them directly, so instead of:
> #include "boost/spinlock/spinlock.hpp"
> you do:
> #include "spinlock/include/boost/spinlock/spinlock.hpp"

Well for once we do agree - I don't like it either!

Right now we have all the boost library modules in a "flat" list at the
same level of the library / application I'm working on. Rather than
using b2 headers to create a monolithic head structure from our
modules we could just as well replace

#include <boost/spinlock/spinlock.hpp>

with (assuming we're in side of libs/serialization/* (test, library or

#include <../../spinlock/include/boost/spinlock/spinlock.hpp>

or just add all the ../../*/include/ paths to the include search path.

Then there is the redundant "boost" I'd like to eliminate - but much
too disruptive for now.

Personally, I'm at about the limit of git complexity I can currently deal

Robert Ramey

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