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Subject: Re: [boost] List of C++ 11 only Boost libraries and their status?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-11-30 12:30:57

Bjorn Reese wrote
> Regarding upgrading Boost.Serialization to C++14, you could start
> by looking at Cereal, which is a C++11 reimplementation of
> Boost.Serialization:

Of course I've looked at this - at least the documentation and github page.

It looks interesting. I think the Cereal webpage and documentation
downplays the importance of a number of features they chose not
to implement. It's very hard to make a real comparison without
trying to use it in a real, complex project.

On the other hand, if one wanted to add something
to the standard, doing something smaller and simpler than Boost
serialization might be good idea.

On the other hand, remember why boost (and standard) libraries get
so elaborate,comprehensive and (therefore complicated) in the first place.
because review committees have members with widely varying
visions and to make through the gauntlet requires adding in
just about everything but the kitchen sink. This is one reason
why I have a lot of reservations about the whole concept of
of the "standard library". Maybe the world is a better place if
it has room for various serialization libraries which implement
similar ideas but with different choices and compromises. A
standard library can't do this.

We'll keeping an eye on it.

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