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Subject: Re: [boost] bpm added to tools/bpm on develop
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-01-09 13:05:24

Beman Dawes wrote:
> Using VC++ 2015 Preview, on a VirtualBox virtual machine running Windows
> 10 Preview, there were a few warnings. See attached.
> Several were the new warning C4456: declaration of 'whatever' hides
> previous local declaration. I have run into this warning a lot in my own
> code, and have decided that it were worth clearing as gratuitous reuse of
> names was confusing when I was coming back to code I hadn't looked at in a
> long time.

Thanks Beman, I think I've cleared those 4456es out. (One of them actually
exposed a bug, so they do seem pretty useful, except when they are an
annoyance as with the constructor of 'error' which 4456 wisely doesn't
diagnose but -Wshadow does.)

I've left the one in LzmaDec.c though as it's better to keep foreign code

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