Boost :
- Next message: Paul A. Bristow: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Previous message: Moshe Rubin: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- In reply to: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Next in thread: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Reply: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
On January 26, 2015 10:51:23 AM EST, Niall Douglas <s_sourceforge_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Here's an example for GetTickCount64():
> https://github.com/boostorg/thread/blob/master/include/boost/thread/win32/thread_primitives.hpp#L290.
(Sent from my portable computation engine)
- Next message: Paul A. Bristow: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Previous message: Moshe Rubin: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- In reply to: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Next in thread: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
- Reply: Niall Douglas: "Re: [boost] [filesystem, regex, asio] These three libraries successfully ported to Windows Phone 8.1"
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