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Subject: Re: [boost] [Hana] Formal review
From: Louis Dionne (ldionne.2_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-06-18 15:07:08
Joel de Guzman <djowel <at> gmail.com> writes:
> [...]
> A very minimal subset is all that I need, no more. C++14 is rich enough
> to do TMP easily unlike before when MPL and Fusion were invented. Perhaps
> you don't even need a TMP library anymore! As a matter of fact, Thomas
> Heller and I are working on a phoenix-lite experiment with zero TMP
> library dependencies (only uses std, nothing more). Compile times?
> Blink of an eye!
Joel, I'd be curious to see this phoenix-lite experiment. In particular, I'd
be curious to give a shot at it with Hana when I get some time. It might be
one of those examples that really do not benefit from a TMP library, but so
far the code always shrinks in size when you use Hana instead of something
else (or nothing). If you're using std::tuple, the compile-times should also
go down by at least a bit.
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