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Subject: Re: [boost] Interest in an LLVM library?
From: Ben Pope (benpope81_at_[hidden])
Date: 2015-11-19 12:01:18

On 18/11/15 01:35, Andy Jost wrote:
> Is there interest in an LLVM library? My motivation is to simplify the dynamic creation of functions, modules, and programs by defining an EDSL modeled after the C language. LLVM provides an API based exclusively on function calls that is verbose and difficult to use. The EDSL is more expressive and easier to use. (This may remind some people of Boost.Python and indeed these libraries are similar in motivation.)

I'll concede I haven't investigated or put much thought into this, but
my first thought is is there any overlap with the reflection proposals
from SG7, at least from an API point of view? If so, go seek out
Chandler, he's probably all over it and more than happy to look at
current usage.


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