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Subject: Re: [boost] [Boost-users] Review Wizard Report for May 2016
From: Paul Fultz II (pfultz2_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-05-17 23:54:09
> On May 17, 2016, at 11:54 AM, Ronald Garcia <rxg_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> ==============================================
> Review Wizard Status Report for May 2016
> ==============================================
> News
> ====
> 1. Boost 1.58 Released April 2015. New Libraries: Endian, Sort
> 2. Metaparse Library Accepted
> 3. Hana Library Accepted
> 4. DLL Library Accepted
> 5. Http Library Rejected
> 6. Boost 1.59 Released August 2015. New Libraries: Coroutine2, Convert
> 7. AFIO Library Reviewed
> 8. Fiber Library Conditionally Accepted
> 9. Boost 1.60 Released December 2015. New Libraries: Variadic Macro Data
> 10. Quaternions, Vectors, Matrices Accepted
> 11. Fit Library Rejected
This is wrong, the Fit library was conditionally accepted.
> 11. Boost 1.61 Released May 2016. New Libraries: Compute, DLL,
> Metaparse, Hana
> Open Issues
> ===========
> The following libraries have review managers, but have not yet been
> scheduled for review:
> * Range Extensions - added May 2012; review manager: Neil Groves.
> The following libraries have been reviewed and await reports from their
> review managers:
> * AFIO - reviewed August 2015; review manager: Ahmed Charles.
> The following libraries have been accepted to Boost, but have not yet
> been integrated into Boost Git:
> * Contract - accepted September 2012; author: Lorenzo Caminiti.
> * Quaternions,Vectors,Matrices - accepted December 2015; author: Emil Dotchevski
> The following libraries have been accepted and submitted to Boost Git, but
> have not yet appeared in a release:
> * none
> The following libraries have been accepted provisionally to Boost, but
> have not been submitted for mini-review and full acceptance:
> * none
> General Announcements
> =====================
> As always, we need experienced review managers. Please take a look at
> the list of libraries in need of managers and check out their
> descriptions. In general review managers are active boost
> participants, including library contributors, infrastructure
> contributors, and other mailing list participants with a substantial
> track record of constructive participation. If you can serve as review
> manager for any of them, email Ron Garcia or John Phillips, "rxg at cs
> dot ubc dot ca" and "johnphillipsithica at gmail dot com" respectively.
> We are also suffering from a lack of reviewers. While we all
> understand time pressures and the need to complete paying work, the
> strength of Boost is based on the detailed and informed reviews
> submitted by you. If you are interested in reviewing a library but
> won't have time during the review period, you can always prepare your
> review ahead of time. No rule says you can only work on a review
> during the review period.
> A link to this report will be posted to www.boost.org. If you would
> like us to make any modifications or additions to this report, please
> email Ron or John.
> The review schedule is an unordered list of the libraries awaiting
> review. As such, any library on the schedule can be reviewed once the
> developer is ready, a review manager has been secured, and
> the manager, developer, and wizards agree on a date
> to schedule the review.
> Review Schedule
> ===============
> * Join (M)
> * Block Pointer (M)
> * Singularity (M)
> * Extended Complex Numbers (M)
> * Boost.Range Extensions
> * Nowide (M)
> * Array (M)
> * STL Extensions (M)
> * Countertree (M)
> * Process (M)
> * Application (M)
> * Edit Distance (M)
> * Mixin (M)
> * Dependency Injection (M)
> * Segmented Tree
> * Fiber
> ``(M)`` marks libraries that need review managers.
> --------------------
> Join
> ----
> :Author: Yigong Liu
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: http://channel.sourceforge.net/
> :Description:
> Join is an asynchronous, message based C++ concurrency
> library based on join calculus. It is applicable both to
> multi-threaded applications and to the orchestration of asynchronous,
> event-based applications. It follows Comega's design and
> implementation and builds with Boost facilities. It provides a high
> level concurrency API with asynchronous methods, synchronous methods,
> and chords which are "join-patterns" defining the synchronization,
> asynchrony, and concurrency.
> Block Pointer
> -------------
> :Author: Phil Bouchard
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/block_ptr/
> :Description:
> Deterministic memory manager of constant complexity capable of
> handling cyclic collections.
> Singularity
> -----------
> :Author: Ben Robinson
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://github.com/cppmaven/Singularity
> :Description: The Singularity Design Pattern allows you to restrict
> any class to a single instance. Unlike the infamous Singleton,
> Singularity gives you direct control over the lifetime of the object,
> does not require you to grant global access to the object, nor does it
> limit you to the default constructor for that object.
> Extended Complex Numbers
> ------------------------
> :Author: Matthieu Schaller
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: http://code.google.com/p/cpp-imaginary-numbers/
> :Description:
> The library is an extension of the std::complex class addressing two issues:
> 1. The standard does not guaranty the behaviour of the complex class if
> instantiated with types other than float/double/long double.
> 2. Some calculation where pure imaginary numbers (i.e. multiples of
> sqrt(-1)) appear are unnecessarily slowed down due to the lack of
> support for these numbers. The code I submit contains two
> interleaved classes boost::complex and boost::imaginary which can
> be instantiated with any type T provided T overloads the usual
> arithmetic operators and some basic (real) mathematical functions
> depending on which complex function will be used. It is thus an
> extended version of Thorsten Ottosen's n1869 proposal
> (http://www.open-std.org/JTC1/SC22/WG21/docs/papers/2005/n1869.html)
> Range Extensions
> ----------------
> :Author: Akira Takahashi
> :Review Manager: Neil Groves
> :Download: https://github.com/faithandbrave/OvenToBoost
> :Description:
> This project adds some features of the Oven Range Library to Boost.Range.
> Features:
> - Additional Range Adaptors (taken, taken_while, dropped,
> dropped_while, elements, elements_key, memoized, outdirected)
> - Extensions for using Lambda (regular function, regular operator)
> - Infinite Range (iteration function)
> - and additional range utilities.
> Nowide
> ------
> :Author: Artyom Beilis
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: http://cppcms.com/files/nowide/
> :Description:
> This library makes cross platform Unicode aware programming easier.
> It provides an implementation of standard C and C++ library functions,
> such that their inputs are UTF-8 aware on Windows without requiring to
> use Wide API.
> Array
> -----
> :Author: Brian Smith
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://github.com/BrianJSmith/Array
> :Description:
> The array class is a C++11 compatible implementation of static
> multidimensional arrays.
> STL Extensions
> --------------
> :Author: Vadim Stadnik
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://github.com/vstadnik/stl_ext_adv_review
> :Description:
> The proposed library [stl_ext_adv] offers augmented array based B+ trees
> and STL containers that support the interfaces of the C++03 sequences
> and associative containers. The library offers a number of extensions
> and performance improvements that are not available in
> C++03 and C++11 standard containers.
> Countertree
> -----------
> :Author: Francisco Jose Tapia
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/8437476/works/countertree_code_doc.zip
> :Description:
> This library is an implementation of a binary red-black counter tree. This
> tree have an additional counter in each leaf. This permit the access to the
> elements by the position, like in a vector. It is a random access container
> with random access iterators.
> This kind of trees have an additional counter in each leaf. This
> permit the access to the elements by the position, like in a
> vector. It is a random access container with random access iterators.
> With unordered information we have a vector with the same speed
> inserting and deleting in any position (O(log N)). With ordered
> information, we have the classes set, multiset, map and multimap, with
> identical interface than the STL classes, with the plus of access to
> the elements by position, like in a vector. The iterators are random
> access , and you can subtract them.
> The suballocator is a layer between the allocator and the data
> structures, compatible with any allocator with the STL definition. The
> suballocator replace to the allocator in the allocation of equal size
> elements. It provides speed, return the unused memory and decrease the
> memory used by the program and improve the cache performance due to
> the data locality improvement ( 30% of improvement of speed respect
> the std::allocator with GCC 4.7)
> Process
> -------
> :Author: Boris Schaeling
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: http://www.highscore.de/boost/process0.5/process.zip
> :Description:
> Boost.Process is a library to manage system processes. It can be used to:
> * create child processes
> * setup streams for child processes
> * communicate with child processes through streams (synchronously or
> asynchronously)
> * wait for processes to exit (synchronously or asynchronously)
> * terminate processes
> Application
> -----------
> :Author: Renato Tegon Forti
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://github.com/retf/Boost.Application
> :Documentation: http://www.dokfile.com/appbeta4/docs/libs/application/doc/html/index.html
> :Description:
> Application provides an application environment, or start point
> to any people that want a basic infrastructure to build an system
> application on Windows or Unix Variants (e.g. Linux, MacOS).
> Application uses behaviours modeled using 'aspects' concept
> proposed by 'Vicente J. Botet Escriba', that allow easy extension and
> customization of library components. The application modes uses these
> components internally to achieve the user desirable behaviours.
> Application provide many useful ready-to-use features, e.g:
> * Run application as Windows Service;
> * Run application as UNIX/POSIX Daemon;
> * Plugin extension system;
> * Process(executable) Single instance Instantiation support;
> * Application SIGNAL/Callbacks customization;
> * Windows Service Setup feature;
> * And many others.
> Edit Distance
> -------------
> :Author: Erik Erlandson
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Download: https://github.com/erikerlandson/algorithm/tree/edit_distance/sequence
> :Description:
> The edit distance is the length of the shortest (or least-cost) edit
> script from one sequence to another, where an edit script is defined
> as a sequence of insertion, deletion and (optionally) substitution
> operations. The function implementing the edit distance is named
> edit_distance. This function will return the edit distance between two
> sequences, where sequences may be any valid range object supporting
> forward iteration. The edit_distance function will also, if
> requested, return the edit script.
> Mixin
> -----
> :Author: Borislav Stanimirov
> :Download: https://github.com/iboB/boost.mixin
> :Documentation: http://ibob.github.io/boost.mixin/
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Description:
> Boost.Mixin is a library that allows the composition and
> modifications of polymorphic types at run time. Types and objects
> are constructed out of building blocks called mixins.
> The library uses the type boost::mixin::object as a placeholder,
> whose instances can be extended with existing classes (mixins), thus
> providing a particular instance with the functionality of all those
> types. Accessing the newly formed type's interface is made through
> messages: stand-alone functions generated by the library, which can
> be thought of as methods.
> This is given while also having full abstraction between the
> interface and the definition of types.
> An existing feature in another language similar to Boost.Mixin and
> also an inspiration for the library are the mixins in Ruby. The
> library also has similarities with the pattern
> entity-component-system.
> Dependency Injection
> --------------------
> :Author:
> :Download: https://github.com/krzysztof-jusiak/di
> :Documentation: http://krzysztof-jusiak.github.io/di/boost/libs/di/doc/html
> :Incubator: http://rrsd.com/blincubator.com/bi_library/di-dependency-injection/?gform_post_id=906
> :Review Manager: Needed
> :Description:
> Boost.DI is a dependency injection library improving manual
> dependency injection by simplifying object instantiation with
> automatic dependencies injection. Using Boost.DI has many advantages
> over manual dependency injection.
> * Reduce boilerplate code (No factories, no objects creation in specific
> order)
> * Reduce cost of maintenance effort (Constructor signature change won't
> affect di configuration)
> * Reduce testing effort
> * Give better control of what and how is created (Policies, Providers)
> * Give better understanding about objects hierarchy (UML Dumper)
> Segmented Tree
> --------------
> :Author: Chris Clearwater
> :Download: http://rrsd.com/blincubator.com/bi_library/segmentedtreeseq-2/?gform_post_id=1520
> :Repository: http://github.com/det/segmented_tree
> :Documentation: https://det.github.io/segmented_tree
> :Review Manager: Glen Fernandes
> :Description:
> SegmentedTreeSeq is a sequence data structure like vector and deque
> that supports efficient random access insert and erase. It is
> implemented using B+Trees and has an emphasis on speed and a low
> memory overhead.
> Fiber
> -----
> :Author: Oliver Kowalke
> :Download: https://github.com/olk/boost-fiber
> :Documentation: http://olk.github.io/libs/fiber/doc/html/
> :Review Manager: Nat Goodspeed
> :Description:
> Boost.Fit is a header-only C++11/C++14 library that provides
> utilities for functions and function objects.
> Libraries under development
> ===========================
> See The Boost Library Incubator Project at http://blincubator.com
> for discussion of libraries currently under development.
> _______________________________________________
> Boost-users mailing list
> Boost-users_at_[hidden]
> http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-users
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk