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Subject: [boost] [asio] windows service async server crashes after running for a while; though it works fine from console
From: Kyoryu Kurayami (qu.kyry_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-23 16:16:22
I have an existing console async server that I converted to a windows
service. After running for a while (about 1-2 hours), the service would
eventually crash caused by stack overflow on different parts of the code
(been trying different approach on the code that causes the stack overflow
exception but to no avail as it would still crash on a different location)
Now, I have been wondering if an async server approach is really suitable
for a windows server or should I then opt to convert it to synchronous
I used the combination of *io_service::reset()* and* io_service::run() *to
block the current code as I've read somewhere that thread running the
*io_service::run()* shouldn't immediately exit if it is running as a
windows service.
Do note that my previous implementation was just calling the *io_service::run()
*on another thread, but this doesn't seem to work as per the explanation
and solution mentioned above.
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