Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Dependency report
From: Michel Morin (mimomorin_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-27 14:53:50
Peter Dimov wrote:
> In the past I moved headers along with their history by exporting the
> commits to a text file and then applying that in the target repo,
After the move, the original file is split into the two files:
one contains the actual code and the other is for the backward compatibility.
Did you transfer the history into only one of the two files?
Or can git allowed to transfer the history to both of the two split files?
This is an example of moving next_prior.hpp:
Before the move
Does not contain anything related to next_prior.hpp.
Contains the following:
- include/boost/utility/next_prior.hpp
After the move
[Boost.Iterator module]
Contains the following:
- include/boost/iterator/next_prior.hpp
* Contains the actual code for `next` and `prior`.
- include/boost/utility/next_prior.hpp
* Just includes <boost/iterator/next_prior.hpp>.
[Boost.Utility module]
Does not contain anything related to next_prior.hpp.
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